In English class I have been assigned to read an article on Obesity. The main idea of the article is that the tax had a very large impact on the danish food industry, The article refers to a tax that had been put into action in Denmark in 2011. I have no clue if the tax is ongoing but I will comment about it anyway.
The tax was made to limit the consumption of fatty foods. It adds nearly $3 per kilo to saturated fats. Many people had started hoarding all kinds of fatty food before the price rise.
I believe that this tax is stupid and pointless. People will still buy these foods even if the prices are higher.
I believe that the article i read was biased as it used very sensationalist words like: 'panic' and 'hoarders'. It views the Danish government as 'outgoing' and appears to 'kiss up' to the higher ups. This article can also be seen as very impersonal at first so the writer probably didn't care about the issue since they offered no opinions and simply what was. This obviously shows the power of money.
The article had no visuals in it. A visual they could have used would be a picture of people taking all the fatty foods from supermarkets. I believe my article was fairly reliable due to being mostly informative and only slightly biased, also it was written in Denmark.   


    I am a 14 year old student from Australia and I can be very opinionated about some things and apathetic about others.


    September 2012

